Lakes Entrance Family History
Resource Centre Inc.
Located at the rear of the Visitor Information Centre in Lakes Entrance, LEFHRS has accumulated and maintained an extensive variety of resources over 25 years, including:
- Networked computers for internet research
- Local school, church and cemetery records
- Local, national and overseas Births, Deaths
and Marriages indices - Family histories
- Substantial microfiche and reading libraries
- Far East Gippsland Pioneers’ Register
- St Catherine’s House records
The Centre is open Saturdays and Mondays from 1.00-5.00pm for members and visitors.
Resources available:
- St Catherine’s House Records
- Far East Gippsland Pioneers’ Register
- Local school and cemetery records
- Australian and overseas Births, Deaths
& Marriage records
2 Marine Parade, Lakes Entrance
Phone: 03 5155 3843